1Generator for 1Household Energy Prosuming Project
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  • 1Generator for 1Household Energy Prosuming Project
  • This project is designed to encourage residents to participate in producing new and renewable energy by installing mini solar panels in terraces of apartment buildings, and mounting-type solar panels on the rooftops of buildings; it also pursues the reduction of energy consumption with energy efficiency improvement projects through insulation improvement, LED bulb use, and energy usage diagnosis while creating an environmentally-friendly and low energy-consuming society with various energy campaigns such as an eco mileage program, happy earth hour project, etc.
※ What is prosuming? A compound word combining produce and consuming, meaning a production-consumption activity where people produce and consume items at the same time.

  • About Prosuming Project
  • Subject: Houses, General buildings, and the entire public organization
  • Specifics
    • Expanding the use of new and renewable energy: Providing solar energy generating facilities installed in residential housing, attracting solar energy generation projects, and expanding participation in sunlight generation cooperative associations
    • Improving energy efficiency in households: Insulation improvement, LED light usage, energy clinic service
    • Promoting an energy consumption reduction culture: Eco mileage, happy earth hour campaign
1 Generator for 1 Household, Energy Prosuming Project photo11 Generator for 1 Household, Energy Prosuming Project photo2