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Writer Song Juhee
Phone number ********
Subject [DongneBangne] Gangdong-gu "Connect Kakao Talk to the civil service counter"

[DongneBangne] Gangdong-gu "Connect Kakao Talk to the civil service counter"
Provides integrated and comprehensive information with existing Gangdong-gu notification talk
Registration 2021-05-27
[Edaily Reporter Yang Ji-yoon] Gangdong-gu, Seoul announced on the 27th that it has opened and is operating the official KakaoTalk channel ‘Gangdong-gu Office’.

As the use of mobile messengers increases due to the prolonged Corona 19, it is decided to use KakaoTalk, a social networking service (SNS) platform with many users, to deliver the news of Gangdong-gu's policy to residents.
Gangdong-gu improved the convenience of information access for residents by integrating ‘Gangdong-gu Notification Talk’ and ‘Gangdong-gu Office’, which were operated in two channels, into one channel through the opening of the Kakao Talk channel.
The newly launched Gangdong-gu official KakaoTalk channel posts information about the Gangdong district's policy-related events and programs, and provides the following information in the chat window. These information are △Please ask the mayor, △Online complaint windows such as local tax refund in Gangdong-gu, △Corona 19 situation, △Corona 19 vaccination plan, etc.
Gangdong-gu has sent a channel opening notification friend talk to about 20,000 residents who are already members of the Gangdong-gu Notification Talk, and plans to hold additional channel events to increase channel usage in the future.
Any KakaoTalk user can easily search for Gangdong-gu Office in the KakaoTalk search bar and add a channel to check various information provided by the district.
Lee Jung hun, District Mayor of Gangdong-gu, said, “We have opened a KakaoTalk channel that anyone can use to quickly deliver necessary information to residents in the era of Corona. We will continue to supplement and develop it so that it can become an effective information source for residents.”

Gangdong-gu launched the KakaoTalk channel to increase the efficiency of disseminating policy-related information to the Gu office. And Gangdong-gu is promoting it so that the citizens of Gu can use it easily. Improving the efficiency of information transmission is considered a beneficial activity for all citizens. It's a good activity.